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Note that the Clipboard API is usually not available outside of secure context.
To enable testing of workflows involving the clipboard, userEvent.setup() replaces window.navigator.clipboard with a stub.


copy(): Promise<DataTransfer|undefined>

Copy the current selection.

If writeToClipboard is true, this will also write the data to the Clipboard.


cut(): Promise<DataTransfer|undefined>

Cut the current selection.

If writeToClipboard is true, this will also write the data to the Clipboard.

When performed in editable context, it removes the selected content from the document.


paste(clipboardData?: DataTransfer|string): Promise<void>

Paste data into the document.

When called without clipboardData, the content to be pasted is read from the Clipboard.

When performed in editable context, the pasted content is inserted into to the document.